Monday, January 30, 2012

Tempo and long run

I did my 7 mile tempo run on the treadmill this week.  I had a movie to watch (Precious, heart wrenching) which helped the miles go by, but I still find it so much harder than being outside.  I don't know if the calibration is off on our machine, or if its the fact that it's 70 degrees in the house, but I sweat so much more, and get winded a lot faster.  I managed the first 5 miles at a 6 mph pace, with breaks about every mile.  The last two I had to go at 5.8 with multiple breaks to get through to the end.  My right big toe joint is still getting sore, but the taping that Clay showed me seems to be helping.  Total miles 43.5

I also ran an 11 mile long run on Saturday.  This was much better than last week.  I fueled better and layered better.  The run started at 18 degrees and a light west wind.  Chilly but doable.  My hip flexors and calf muscles have been tight since the run, but I'm continuing to stretch and they're loosening up nicely. 

Total miles 54.5

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