Friday, January 29, 2010

News flash: you can exercise when you have a cold.

Hhhmm, did you know that? I always thought "have a cold, don't do anything physical". I took Wednesday off from exercise because any movement made my head throb. So I bowed out of Jen's aerobic class (Sorry Jen), went home and took some advil and had a nap. Thursday was better. I was singing bass, and still had to blow my nose a lot, but my head didn't hurt. I put off exercise, using the excuse that "I've got a cold" but ultimately got on the treadmill for a 30 minute walk/slow jog. (After all, I've got to make my think thirty commitment.) It didn't hurt me. In fact, I felt better when I got off. Today I'm still a bit congested and have a bit of a head ache but I'm planning on going out to shovel snow (when it stops snowing). I figure the exertion should help loosen some of the crap in my head and help me feel better. Who wants to come help me shovel?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Friends are a huge blessing.

My friend Sondra called me last night asking if I was going to go to the w.c. in the morning. I said yes, I was going to be there around 5:45. When the alarm went off this morning I wanted desperately to turn it off and go back to sleep, but I had told Sondra I'd be there. So I got up and went. I even dreamed (dreamt?) that I had stood her up and I couldn't let that happen in real life. So I spent 30 minutes on the bike and did a couple of reps of weights for my arms. 45 minutes total.

I also signed up for the Think Thirty Fitness incentive that's happening at the college. 30 minutes of activity, 5X/week. Plan it, do it. It's what got me started with regular exercise 2 years ago. Anyone else want to join me? Even if you're not local you can join in. I'll even provide some draw-prizes for non-Hesstonians.

Monday, January 25, 2010

My feet don't hurt today either!

I read a very interesting book this weekend called "Born to Run". It's a good story and embedded into the story is some interesting discussion regarding our inborn physiology and the effect that the advent of running shoes have had on chronic running injury. It intuitively make sense to me that shoes can impede the foots natural ability to adapt to a running surface. This lack of adaptation can cause our feet to weaken, making them more susceptible to injury. Since all the "regular" treatment of Plantar fasciitis hasn't resulted in healing I thought I'd give barefooting a try. So I did Jen's aerobic class today barefoot. I had my shoes close by, with the thought that if my feet start to hurt I'd put them on. I noticed that I did not plant my feet onto my heel, rather I landed on the ball of my foot. It didn't hurt at all. We'll see how far this goes. I'm open to trying it, though I've no idea how it'll work when I'm ready to start running outside, nor how I'll keep my feet warm! One small step at a time, right?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Good News....My feet don't hurt today!!

Even after a lot of walking yesterday my feet don't hurt today! Maybe, just maybe I'm getting close to running again. Today is going to be a day off from exercise. We're heading into Wichita to do some preliminary pricing on carpet and fixtures for a potential basement renovation. We need to get a good idea on just how much everything will cost. We'll take the girls to the bookstore to spend their Christmas gift cards. We'll be back in time to attend a choir concert and host a couple of the students overnight. It should be a good, but busy day.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

5:15 is an ugly time of day

At least for me it is. But I have 12 hour clinical shifts on Fridays this semester, which mean getting up at 4:30, driving to Wichita, working 12 hours and then driving home, getting back around 8 pm. In order to survive I'm making myself get up early consistently. I headed to the w.c. this morning and did half an hour on the elliptical followed by some upper body weight work.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I joined Jen's aerobic class this morning. It was a good workout. I was pleased to note that I wasn't to terribly uncoordinated, nor did the college kids leave me in the dust! I'm planning on going Mondays and Wednesdays when my teaching schedule allows. I'm noticing an increase in core strength with the work that I'm doing, but I still have a long way to go to achieve the upper body strength that I'd like. I'll keep working at it though and it'll happen with time.

I wanted so much to go for a run after the aerobics. Please tell me that I'll be able to go for a run and not hobble for the next couple of days. Soon, ok?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I hate the scale

I did my weekly weigh in this morning. Up to 150. How can that be? I've been eating healthy, exercising regularly and drinking a decent amount of water. Oh well, I'll keep at it and eventually it will change.

Went to the w.c. this morning and did 30 minutes of intervals on the bike. I'm planning on joining in with Jen's aerobic class on Monday and Wednesdays, on the days that I'm not teaching. My resting heart rate yesterday was at 60 bpm, so I've met one of my goals!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I need a good pedometer

So Thursday was a bust secondary to insomnia. I don't often have difficulty sleeping but Wednesday night was awful. I felt as if I'd had a couple cups of coffee, but I hadn't. I saw every half hour until 4:30. The plan was to be up at 5:15 to go to the wellness center. At 4:30 I turned off the alarm and said sleep was more important.

Friday's are clinical days. 12 hours of looping thru most of the units at Wesley hospital many, many times. I need a good pedometer to see how much I actually walk on Fridays. It's not aerobic, but it's activity. My feet were very, very sore by the time I got home.

Today I was just to dang lazy to get to the w.c. I should have, I could have, but I didn't. I did play around on the wii, for about 30 minutes. I don't know that it really counts, but it's better than nothing.

Tomorrow I have to go to the office to finish preparing for 4 hours of class on Monday and 3 hours on Tuesday. Maybe we can get to the pool in the late afternoon with the girls. I need to take my new swimsuit for a test swim.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Checking out the Wii fit

Okay, okay, we jumped on the wii band-wagon. Of all the game systems out there, this one seems to be the most family friendly. I love the fact that you have to move more than your thumbs to participate! It's been a great motivator for good behavior (have to earn your wii time!). Our wii fit arrived yesterday. I pulled it out of the box and set it up this evening. I think it will be a good thing once I figure out the quirks and do some more exploring. Overall I spent about 30 minutes doing various exercises. I didn't work up a sweat, or raise my heart rate, but I did do some focused strength training that I'll probably feel tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bike intervals

Let me just get this out there... I hate intervals. They hurt, they're hard, and they're no fun. But they do a great job at raising the heart rate, getting a good sweat going and making your muscles work. I was on the bike this morning because my feet hurt today. I've discovered a correlation that seems to make them worse. I took a bath last night and massaged my feet on the jets. After the massage they really hurt. Hopefully this will improve with more strengthening, stretching and support.

I weighed myself this morning... down 2 pounds!

Monday, January 11, 2010


I was unable to get to the wellness center because of my work schedule so I needed to find an alternative way of exercising. I have a yoga/pilates combo dvd that I'm used on occasion so I thought I'd pull that out again. I'd forgot how much of a focused workout it is for the abs, back and glutes. It raised my heartrate and I'll probably feel it tomorrow!

Tomorrow morning I'm heading to the w.c.. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays are for cardio workouts in the am before work. Mondays, and Wednesdays are for strength work. Fridays are my long clinical days, where I'll be logging non-strenuous walking miles.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Wellness center Cross trainer (aka guilt works)

Time: 30 minutes
Interval workout on the cross-trainer in the corner (it's not the elliptical it's the ?).
Peak heart rate went up into the 170's. Physically I worked up a sweat, but it didn't feel as hard as my heart rate would indicate. I had originally planned to go to the wellness center in the morning, but ended up preparing my food for my freezer food swap and making bread. By the time I finished my work for the day it was 3:30 and I didn't want to go. Doug offered to kick me out the door, but I declined. I eventually guilted myself into going. It's a good thing I didn't wait any longer because the w.c. closes at 5 on Saturdays.

Eating wise doing pretty well. I've successfully avoided all concentrated sweets/baked goods with the small exception of a tsp of b.sugar on my cereal and honey in my tea, and I'm not inclined to let those go. I think supper tonight is going to be a greek salad.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Does Wii count?

My feet are somewhat sore today after yesterdays walk/run, so I'm staying off them as much as possible. I did to 7 sets of sun salutations today (14 plank/pushups!) and 20 minutes or so of Wii boxing and tennis. Eating today has been good, but I'm seriously craving some junk right now. I'm going to get a glass of water.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Starting over, again

total time: 30 minutes
5 warm up walk
5 fast walk
10 slow jog
5 fast walk
5 cool down walk

I walked/ran today, for the first time since late August. I was in the process of training for a marathon when I developed plantar fasciitis in both feet, but left worse than the right. I quit running. I waited. I massaged, iced, stretched my feet and they didn't get better. Well, they did, very very slowly. I'd think they were healed, start to walk and then they'd be back where they started. It was two steps forward, one step back. In the meanwhile, I did nothing. No cross-training. I didn't want to cross train, I wanted to run! I kept eating as if I were running 30 miles/week. My heart rate has gone up, my weight has gone up, my clothes are tight and I've had an increase in headaches. It's time. Time for a new beginning that will continue, even if my feet don't allow me to run.

My fitness goals: Get my resting heartrate back into the low 60's. Lose 10 pounds. Be able to do 20 full push-ups and chin-ups. If my feet let me, run another marathon. If they don't I'll get back into shape so that eventually I can.

In an effort of transparency and for my own record keeping here are my current stats.
Weight 149
MAC 32 cm
Waist 78 cm
Hips 102 cm
Thigh 58 cm